Changelog | Page 2

New features, bug fixes, improvements

Search for Podcasts


You can now search for a concept inside podcasts. If they have a transcription available, you could also summarize and get key takeaways from these podcasts.

Fixed YouTube Video Load Issue


There was an issue with the Youtube Video loader that prevented the YouTube videos getting loaded. Patched the issue while waiting for an actual fix from the API provider.

Quick Suggestions


Quick Suggestions is a section that suggests some concepts related to the selected node. It is meant for providing some quick inspiration on what to explore next in your concept map.

UI Design Updates!


There are some UI design updates taking place so you might see things looking slightly different (and hopefully better!) in Heuristica.

Rewrite and Ask Questions to Text Highlights


You can now rewrite or ask questions to the highlighted text when working with the Text and PDF View Modals

Summarize and Key Takeaways for Text Highlights


Summary and Key Takeaways now work on highlighted text as well. You can use these buttons to either summarize (or get the key takeaways) the entire text or just the highlighted snippet.

Choose between OpenAI and Anthropic models


In the settings menu, you can now use the latest Anthropic models, Claude Haiku and Claude Sonnet.

Search YouTube


You can now search YouTube for videos and add them to the concept map. Unfortunately, the YouTube API has a limit to how many searches can be performed in a day, so this service can become unavailable when used frequently. You can always add YouTube links directly using the Add menu.

Upload Your PDFs


You can now upload your PDF files into your concept maps. The file size for upload is currently limited to 10MB, and you can only upload a total of 100 MB of files.

Semantic Scholar Integration


You can now search on Semantic Scholar, add new nodes using Semantic Scholar links, and find Similar/Recommended Papers that are on Semantic Scholar 🎓