
New features, bug fixes, improvements

Custom Prompts Now Support Multiple Selections


You can now run custom prompts on multiple selections. Previously, only single node selections were allowed.

Fix an Auto Save Bug


Fixed a bug where Auto Save was interrupting the generation of long-form content like summaries, essays, etc.

Transform Group Contents


You can simply select a group and transform its content into different outputs, such as flashcards, quizzes, summaries, and more!

Flashcards/Quizzes from Videos, Podcasts, Documents


You can now generate quizzes or flashcards from YouTube videos, Podcasts, Wikipedia Articles, and PDF documents. Note that the generation might take too long for lengthy resources.

LaTeX Support


LaTeX rendering is now supported for rendering mathematical formulas correctly.

Group Nodes


You can select one or more nodes and click on Group Nodes in the context menu to group them together to organize your concept map better.

Create Quizzes From Concept Maps


You can now create quizzes from your concept maps and save them in your library.

Custom Prompts Support Multiple Selections


Previously, you could only run custom prompts on a single node. Now, you could run them on as many nodes as you want.

Add Subtitle to Nodes


One of the frequently requested features was the ability to add custom titles to nodes. This is now partially supported. Note that you currently can’t add a subtitle to every node type. This will be updated in the future.

Map Settings Modal


Previously, you needed to save a new copy of the concept map to update its title and privacy status, which was an unnecessarily involved workflow. Now, you can click on the title of a concept map to update these settings.